
Currently AssetKit provides global options but in th future document based options may be supported.

Options / Preferences / Settings Design

To make things simplier and easy to manage, AssetKit provides options as key - value pair.

The key always is the AkOption enum type. The value’s type is uintptr_t, so you can pass integers, enums and pointers (by casting to uintptr_t e.g. (uintptr_t)(void *)myPointer).

Documented global options:

typedef enum AkOption {
  AK_OPT_INDICES_DEFAULT            = 0,  /* false    */
  AK_OPT_INDICES_SINGLE_SEPARATE    = 2,  /* false    */
  AK_OPT_INDICES_SINGLE             = 3,  /* false    */
  AK_OPT_NOINDEX_INTERLEAVED        = 4,  /* true     */
  AK_OPT_NOINDEX_SEPARATE           = 5,  /* true     */
  AK_OPT_COORD                      = 6,  /* Y_UP     */
  AK_OPT_DEFAULT_ID_PREFIX          = 7,  /* id-      */
  AK_OPT_COMPUTE_BBOX               = 8,  /* false    */
  AK_OPT_TRIANGULATE                = 9,  /* true     */
  AK_OPT_GEN_NORMALS_IF_NEEDED      = 10, /* true     */
  AK_OPT_DEFAULT_PROFILE            = 11, /* COMMON   */
  AK_OPT_EFFECT_PROFILE             = 12, /* true     */
  AK_OPT_TECHNIQUE                  = 13, /* "common" */
  AK_OPT_TECHNIQUE_FX               = 14, /* "common" */
  AK_OPT_ZERO_INDEXED_INPUT         = 15, /* false    */
  AK_OPT_IMAGE_LOAD_FLIP_VERTICALLY = 16, /* true     */
  AK_OPT_ADD_DEFAULT_CAMERA         = 17, /* true     */
  AK_OPT_ADD_DEFAULT_LIGHT          = 18, /* false    */
  AK_OPT_COORD_CONVERT_TYPE         = 19, /* DEFAULT  */
  AK_OPT_BUGFIXES                   = 20, /* TRUE     */
  AK_OPT_GLTF_EXT_SPEC_GLOSS        = 21, /* TRUE     */
  AK_OPT_COMPUTE_EXACT_CENTER       = 22  /* FALSE    */
} AkOption;

The comment at right contains default value for that option. All options will be documented below. (TODO)

As you can see and imagine, not all options are integer or boolean. For instance to set Y_UP for AK_OPT_COORD option, you need to cast Y_UP opinter to uintptr_t type.

Sample options:

/* compute bounding box for mesh and for its primitives */
ak_opt_set(AK_OPT_COMPUTE_BBOX, true);

/* triangulate meshes that are not triangles e.g. polygons... */
ak_opt_set(AK_OPT_TRIANGULATE, true);

/* change UP axis to Y UP, see coordinate sys documentation. */
ak_opt_set(AK_OPT_TRIANGULATE, (uintptr_t)AK_YUP);


  1. ak_opt_set()
  2. ak_opt_get()
  3. ak_opt_set_str()
void ak_opt_set(AkOption option, uintptr_t value)

Sets an option by key and value. Pass integers, booleans or pointers as value. Value needs to be casted to uintptr_t. Pass only supported values for a key.

[in] option option (see AkOption enum)
[in] value option value
uintptr_t ak_opt_get(AkOption option)

Get value of option as uintptr_t. If the option is pointer than you need to cast it to pointer. For instance (AkCoordSys *)ak_opt_get(AK_OPT_COORD) or (void *)ak_opt_get(AK_OPT_COORD). If there are no warnings then you don’t need to cast result to Boolean or Integers for Boolean/Integer options. For instance if (ak_opt_get(AK_OPT_TRIANGULATE)) ...

[in] option option (see AkOption enum)
void ak_opt_set_str(AkOption option, const char *value)

Similar to ak_opt_set() but it accepts null terminated string parameter and it uses ak_strdup() to duplicate string to keep it. Then it casts duplicated string to uintptr_t, so you can get value anytime with ak_opt_get().

NOTE: When you set new value then the old value will be free-ed. If you need to keep old value then you must duplicate it yourself. Otherwise memory leaks would occoured…

[in] option option (see AkOption enum)
[in] value option value as null-terminated string